Selasa, 27 Februari 2018

Gente que Doyan Humor 'Oscuro' Posible genio

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Gente que Doyan Humor 'Oscuro' Posible genio


Yakarta, todos tienen un sentido del humor diferente. Pero las bromas que se plantean al ver el desastre pueden no ser del agrado de muchas personas. Sin embargo, un estudio dice si la comprensión de una persona de tal humor "oscuro" podría ser una medida de su nivel de inteligencia. Al menos según un estudio de la Universidad Médica de Viena, reveló que quienes disfrutaban del humor "oscuro" en promedio tenían una puntuación alta mientras tomaban la prueba de cociente intelectual. Los investigadores, Ulrike Willinger y su equipo encontraron esto después de observar a 156 participantes con una edad promedio de 33 años. Cada uno de ellos recibió 12 tebeos tomados de The Black Book por Uli Stein. Este libro contiene caricaturas que contienen humor "oscuro". Luego se les pidió que dieran opiniones sobre las caricaturas. Luego, pruebas de cociente intelectual, tanto verbales como no verbales. Los participantes también deben responder una serie de preguntas sobre sus antecedentes personales. Aquellos que aman el humor negro no solo tienen altos puntajes en el coeficiente de inteligencia, sino que también son altamente educados. Según Ulrik, disfrutar de este tipo de humor requiere "la capacidad de procesar información compleja". Es decir, solo los genios pueden atrapar cada juego de palabras detrás de una broma inusual. Meni Flynn, autor de The Psychological Benefit of Dark Humor, dice que el humor ha sido conocido por mucho tiempo como un calmante del estrés y potenciador del estado de ánimo. Pero lo que poca gente sabe es que el humor también puede ser el mecanismo específico que una persona usa para lidiar con las 'lesiones' psíquicas. Esta es la razón por la cual las personas pueden reír cuando están ansiosas o incluso afligidas porque sus cuerpos están buscando formas de calmarse. Los rumores, especialmente los oscuros, pueden ser un tipo de estrategia de comportamiento cognitivo que una persona usa para lidiar con un tema temido. pero con una risa muestra su increíble cuerpo y la capacidad de su mente para calmarse, explicó. Lea también: Genética que determina la inteligencia infantil, ¿de verdad?



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Selasa, 13 Februari 2018

Intake Like It Can Help Lower High Cholesterol

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Intake Like It Can Help Lower High Cholesterol


If there is an indication of high cholesterol in the blood, before it becomes severe, you should immediately change your lifestyle. It is also good consumption of intake that can help lower cholesterol.As is known, when a person is diagnosed with dyslipidemia or high cholesterol levels in the blood is severe, then to overcome the doctor will give cholesterol-lowering drugs that must be consumed for life. Because someone who has high cholesterol, cholesterol metabolism disorders have been suspected in the body. Well, in addition to taking cholesterol-lowering drugs, do not ignore the natural foods around that can help lower cholesterol. Leona Victoria, a nutritionist at the University of Sydney, explains that cholesterol in the blood is increasing due to a high intake of saturated fat. Read more: Notice this is the Right Diet Pattern for High Cholesterol High cholesterol is usually caused by the consumption of fried foods, cakes, snacks, processed foods such as sausages / ham and excess coconut milk. Also can be caused by excessive artificial sugar consumption. So these foods should be avoided, Victoria explained. Cholesterol itself is needed by the body to form cell walls and hormonal production. However, if levels exceed the normal limit, resulting in various chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and constriction of blood vessels. Similar parallels delivered by Indra Wijaya, SpPD, M.Kes from Siloam Karawaci Hospital. He said, in addition to attention to a healthy lifestyle, change the diet can also help. Natural foods such as fruits and vegetables are very good to eat because the fiber contained in it can facilitate defecation, maintain stamina, and lower cholesterol. For types of fruits and vegetables are generally not too different in fiber and vitamin content, said Dr. Indra.Untuk processing, said Dr. Indra in principle for the fruit there is no special processing. Also for the vegetables should be cooked enough, because if too mature the content of fiber and vitamins in it become not optimal. lowers cholesterol. Fatty fish such as salmon, halibut, tuna and mackerel are high in omega-3 fatty acids, has been shown to reduce the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. In addition, fish is a good source of protein and can be used as a substitute for high protein sources of cholesterol, such as red meat Olive oil is also thought to be helpful because it contains a mixture of antioxidants and monounsaturated fats. This content helps lower high cholesterol levels. The US Food and Drug Administration recommends at least 23 grams of olive oil a day or about 2 tablespoons, to benefit cardiovascular health. Fiber is also very helpful in fighting cholesterol, as it acts as a toxin cleanser in the bloodstream. The Mayo Clinic recommends at least 50-10 grams of soluble fiber per day to help reduce cholesterol. For example can be obtained from the consumption of oatmeal. A serving of oatmeal or whole grain usually contains at least 2 to 6 grams of soluble fiber from total fiber. Other intakes that can help lower cholesterol are nuts, such as walnuts, almonds and peanuts. Nuts have a high fiber and can reduce cholesterol levels to 5 percent with just 1 portion. But because of the high number of calories in nuts, the FDA recommends limiting the intake of nuts to just about a handful per day. (Hrn / vit)